Hi! I am Lahari

As far as I can remember, I have always wanted to create experiences for people - be it through my words, my food, or even a simple birthday gift. My first attempt at that was through digital marketing, where my influence held a unique place in the digital world. I had the ability to challenge and shape perspectives, inform culture, and kickstart a conversation.

I was a fresh-eyed greenhorn with a degree in the field of witty, knowledgeable, and inventive folks. They fuelled my hunger to learn, kindled my natural creativity, pushed me to better every day, and moulded me into the resilient and adaptable person that I am today.

Through my journey of constant evolution and self-learning, I dared myself to change the status quo and take the plunge to explore the world of design. From standing afar as a fascinated spectator, I am now knee-deep, asking questions, empathising, sketching, creating, and testing.  

I am a firm believer in creating a human-centric and modern design that not only aids users but also challenges the status quo. I am not one to run away from challenging situations and will always try to create a meaningful conversations through effective designs.

I am hungry, passionate, creative, and analytical. My journey has just begun.

What I consume

Anything from crime fiction to behaviorism to design thinking.

What I hum to

Depending upon the day and mood, it could be Dean Martin or Pinto Piccaso or Whipped Cream.

What I can’t do without

My Chef knives, my poetry notebook, my sketching tools, and dance heels.

What I love

A well-plated meal, collecting coasters from bars around the globe & playing with my fur kid Miku.